Infertility can feel like you’re standing in a room filled with people,’re all alone. 


They are part of an exclusive club,

that you long to be a part of, but haven’t been given the key to. 

You’re shouting over the volume, screaming to be heard, but no one turns around. You feel invisible.

And the few people who glance your way, tell you that you shouldn’t feel the way you do, or to just be grateful or patient, or have faith.

So you stop shouting. Because you’re sick of trying to explain how this feels, and having to justify WHY you feel the way you do.

You’re just exhausted.

Do you know what I wish I knew during my 7-year battle with infertility?


That feeling the way I did, didn’t make me a horrible person, or weak. Nor did it mean that there was something wrong with me.

That my struggles didn’t mean that I wasn’t meant to be a mother, or that I wasn’t deserving.

I wish I had known that it’s the journey that sucks (and not me), and that prizes aren’t given for being 'strong' and just pushing through.

I could go on and on here (and I share all the lessons I learned in my book, The Injustice of Infertility), but most importantly, I wish I knew……

The importance of connection and feeling witnessed.



An intimate gathering filled with connection, validation and learning. 

 Where you will find true belonging and solidarity.

You will be met with understanding, compassion, and encouragement.

A nurturing space where you can share your truth, and feel heard, in complete safety.

This is for you if...

You’re feeling completely alone and isolated, and don’t know how to even be around other people right now, let alone get the support you need.
You don’t recognise the person you’ve become, or the life you’re living anymore. Infertility has completely consumed you, and it’s all you ever think about.
You’re filled with dread every single morning when you look at your phone in case there’s yet another pregnancy announcement, and you’re sick of going into a spiral of self-loathing when you can’t be happy for them.
You are so tired of having to explain to people why this hurts so much, and why you can’t just stop trying, or thinking about it, or go on a holiday, or relax, or just do IVF or adopt. And if another person asks you when you’re going to have children, you are going to lose your shit.

“Safety is not the absence of threat, it is the presence of connection."

- Gabor Mate

Would you like to -

Feel like you are a part of something incredible? Where you truly belong. Where you’re respected, and not pitied. Where you’re held, and not judged. Where you feel safe.

Share your story, your truth, and how you’re really feeling, without having to justify or explain yourself, or feel like there is something wrong with you.

Find a way to move forward, so you can still keep trying, but in a way that doesn’t feel like hard work, or involve pushing, or self-sacrificing or punishing yourself.

Over 4 weeks you will be part of an exclusive community, where we will….


Join our weekly calls, so we can meet face to face (virtually). You will also have access to a community chat, so you have support and love in your back pocket at any time of day.  


You will be provided a safe space to share your story, your thoughts, your fears, without judgement, or comparisons. This will allow you to release the grip they have over you.


An easier way to be on this journey. I'll be providing coaching, strategies and tips along the way, so you can handle the ups and downs that come with infertility. 

Week 1 - Ready to feel seen and heard?

You'll be provided a safe space to share your story, and own your truth without feeling victim to it. You will also bear witness to other women's stories, and find relief within them, knowing that you're not alone. Ready to offload that baggage you’ve been carrying around for so long? THIS will be powerful.

Week 2 – Handling pregnancy announcements

They are the thing we dread seeing the most, and they cause you to spiral out of control for days, weeks and even months on end! We’ll be sharing why they hurt so much, and some strategies you can use to take the sting out of them.                                                                                                                           

Week 3 – Finding hope

We tend to have a love / hate relationship with HOPE. We want it, but then when we have it and it doesn’t work out, it hurts SO much. We’ll teach you how you can stop feeling so hopeless, and gain back hope, in a way that feels comfortable for you.                                                                                                                   

Week 4 – Gain back control of your life

This journey has a way of consuming you, and one day you don’t recognise the person staring back at you in the mirror. It’s all you think about. It’s your sole purpose. We’re going to show you how you can lighten the hold that infertility has over you, so you can start living your life, and feel more like yourself again.

I guarantee, at the end of the 4 weeks, you will feel more empowered and prepared for all the ups and downs!!






The Injustice of Infertility, awarded Best Fertility Book at the 2024 Fertility Care Awards!!

In a world where our pain is dismissed, where our strength is determined by the level of hurt we endure without complaining, where our self-worth is tied to what we create or produce, instead of who we are. Where we are misunderstood, and told to sit down and be quiet, and stop being so emotional. Where we have to fight to be heard….


The Injustice of Infertility brings voice to the realities of what we endure at the hands of infertility.

The unfairness of why one couple gets the dream, and yet you struggle year after year. It’s a true story of heartbreak, determination and never-ending hope. It’s my truth, and the truth of so many of you too.


Our stories deserve to be told.

Because they matter.

And so do you.


What people have to say –

Hi, I'm Jen,


Fertility Coach, Certified Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner, Author, and mum of two beautiful babies who were the result of a 7-year battle with infertility (yep - I won!).

As your typical Type A, get-shit-done personality, I discovered that my old ways of pushing and working hard weren’t serving me, nor were they getting me any closer to motherhood.

So I took the lessons I learned and have created a simple approach to get you closer to your baby.

I provide practical, no-nonsense techniques that will allow you to handle the bumps in the road without spiralling out of control.

I won’t tell you to try to be positive, or relax, because I know that’s only going to piss you off.

Nor will I tell you that you have to change everything about yourself and your personality in order to have a baby.

What I WILL do is help you transform your mindset and take back control of your life in the midst of infertility.

Oh yeah, and I might swear a little too because, well, this is infertility we’re talking about - so if you’re easily offended, this is a disclaimer.

Jen xx

Are you ready to take back your power and own your truth?

(Doors opening soon, and spaces are limited, so join the waitlist to secure your spot first.)


What's included - 

  • 4 x Weekly group calls
  • Online chat community with 24/7 support
  • Personalised coaching, strategies and tips throughout our time together
  • Strategies and tips to help take the sting out of pregnancy announcements
  • Guidance on finding hope again
  • Techniques you can implement to gain back control of your life
  • Bonus content to help you feel more empowered, including our pregnancy announcement survival guide, pre-recorded pep talks, guided meditation, and a whole lot more!



One-time payment




Weekly payments


Wondering what it's like to work with me?

This is what my clients say after our calls.