How cold-water therapy can reduce your stress (and a whole lot more).

Jun 04, 2024

I originally stumbled upon cold water therapy when the Whim Hoff method was at its most popular. I got caught up in it while it was trending, and then lost interest.

But since then, then I’ve incorporated hot-cold therapy into my life for other reasons, the most significant being… regulate my nervous system and support my body as it ages.

If you have trouble with your stress levels, and are continually being triggered (which sounds like a day in the life of trying to conceive), and you want to find a way to deal with the highs and lows along the way, you’ll want to read on.

At first for me, it started with a 30 – 45 second burst of cold water at the end of my shower each morning. I have found that it helps me in a number of ways –

  1. It creates clarity for me – when you’re showered with freezing cold water, it tends to bring you back from your wandering thoughts, and into the present moment. There is no way you can have an active mind when you experience that, and it brings me back into my body.
  2. I feel stronger mentally when I do it. Shifting that tap from hot to cold can be a battle of the mind. Internally, my body is saying no, but my mind is telling me that I can do it. And when I overcome that initial doubt and do the hard thing, I have a level of confidence I didn’t have beforehand. I feel accomplished and am of the mindset that I can conquer my day afterward.
  3. It feels invigorating. When we experience cold water, it activates our sympathetic nervous system (our fight or flight response), which in turn releases endorphins and creates a feeling of alertness. And that’s perfect first thing in the morning, to clear away the sleep cobwebs.
  4. I know it’s good for me and that gives me a boost. We’ll get into the health benefits a little later, but it actually feels good to know that you’re doing something to look after body and your mind.

Those are the immediate benefits I feel as a result of the cold shower burst, but it also helps to create a healthy nervous system. And when I say a healthy nervous system, I don’t mean one that isn’t triggered. I mean one that is triggered, and can bring itself back down to a state of calm (or calmer), naturally.

How does the cold shower do this?

When you turn the temperature to cold, your body experiences shock – the same as you would if you were triggered by a pregnancy announcement, for example. It creates a temporary increase in stress (but in a completely safe environment). Your body is forced to adapt – you incorporate breathing techniques, and tell yourself that you are safe, and that you can do this. You cheer yourself on, and you force your body to regulate itself.

This becomes like strengthening a muscle. You’re giving your nervous system a work-out each day. With the repeated shock and regulation, you’re creating an automated response to stress. Which means that when you’re stressed or get triggered in the real world, your body knows what to do.

Since incorporating the cold shower, I’ve taken it to the next level. I also go for regular hot-cold therapy sessions. This is more intense (think ice baths!), which includes the following additional benefits –

  1. Boosted immunity – exposure to cold water increases your production of white blood cells, which protect you against various diseases.
  2. Reduces inflammation in the body – if we hurt ourselves, we usually reach for the ice pack. So, it makes sense that immersing our whole body in ice water will have the same effect.
  3. Improves circulation – the process of your body temperature plummeting and then warming, increases the blood flow pumping through your body. This is better for your cardiovascular health, and it reduces the level of toxins in your body.
  4. Relieves sore muscles and improves workout recovery.
  5. Improves sleep – while initially the cold water activates your sympathetic nervous system, after a few minutes, your parasympathetic nervous system (rest /digest) kicks in and releases all the hormones, allowing you to get into a more meditative state. This helps you feel calmer and more relaxed, which prepares your body for sleep (although it’s not recommended you do this straight before bed, as you get a boost initially).

But more than anything, it has an impact on your mental health and mood. When we’re operating from a more regulated state, and experiencing all the other benefits, this flows into our mindset and our emotions. Not to mention the boost of endorphins that you receive.

Now, if the thought of plunging your body into an ice bath has you running for the hills, that’s ok. There are milder versions you can explore too.

Putting an ice pack on the back of your neck, splashing your face with cold water or even holding ice cubes in your hands can be effective. This is because it stimulates the vagus nerve, which is the main nerve of your parasympathetic nervous system. And we want to activate that in order to get back to a calm state.

Whatever method you use however, cold water is a great (and natural) resource to help you regulate your nervous system.

Of course, this comes with the caveat to consult with your doctor first. If you’re pregnant, or in the middle of an IVF cycle, ice baths should be avoided, however the other methods suggested are still applicable.

Would you like to know more about how you can work with me, so you can get back control of your life and start moving forward?  My 1:1 coaching program is packed with information, tools and support. Find out how you can get on the wait list now.  

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It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your fertility.

That's why people keep telling you to "just relax", which is NOT helpful, and only fuels your stress.

But HOW do you reduce your stress, when infertility is stressing the heck out of you to begin with?

HOW do you slow down, feel at peace, achieve a little more balance in your life and say good bye to the inner struggle?


Download this free PDF for 3 simple hacks you can implement today to tip the scales in your favor. 

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