Fertility Blog

by Jennifer Robertson

How do you “just stop thinking about it” when it comes to your fertility? Sep 16, 2022

If I had a dollar every time someone told me to “just stop thinking about it” and I’d get pregnant, I’d be a millionaire.  I mean, what kind of advice is that?

And who can actually stop thinking about something that is really important? I for one cannot.


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Should you take a break from trying to conceive? Sep 12, 2022

This is a question I used to ask myself all the time when we were knee deep in our fertility struggles. Should we take a break?

But I never took a break that wasn’t imposed upon me.  Even when I suffered a miscarriage.  When my body was ready again, even though I told myself I...

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Should we use the word “infertility” or is it offensive? Sep 05, 2022

I had a conversation with someone recently about using the word “infertility”.  They hated hearing it, using it when referring to themselves, and felt offended when anyone else used it.  I’ve also had a few nasty comments on my posts over on Instagram, where I use this...

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Reframe your thoughts and take back control of your mind Aug 29, 2022

I was never a negative person……until my fertility journey. I was always a glass half full kinda gal, and saw the best in every situation. 

I think that was why infertility was so hard (ok, there were many reasons). Because it changes us.  And while we’re told all the...

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Tips for selecting the right fertility clinic for you Aug 15, 2022

Six months into our fertility journey, my husband and I went to our doctor with our sex life in tatters, and my type A personality driving us crazy.  I still wasn’t pregnant (it’s amazing how just 2 months of trying can seem like an eternity when that’s all you think...

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How do you accept that your fertility journey may not turn out the way you had planned? Aug 01, 2022

One of the things that screws us up the most on our fertility journey is the picture we have in our head of how it was supposed to look. 

My husband and I were married, and started trying for a baby on our honeymoon.  I’d already cleared my calendar for 9 months later, when...

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How do you stay motivated and driven to keep trying to conceive? Jul 25, 2022

The longer you’re on this journey, the more you ask yourself this question.  When you’re feeling exhausted and lost and overwhelmed.  In those moments of defeat, we wonder silently, how much more of this can I take?

I was driven to write this blog because one of my private...

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Letting go of the things you can't control on your fertility journey Jul 11, 2022

Control what you can, let go of the rest.

We hear people saying this all the time.  Heck, even I say it all the time.  And then someone asked me recently……how do you let go of the rest?  And it’s such a great question.

It’s not like it’s a banana...

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What we'd like our friends and family to know about infertility Jul 04, 2022

Infertility is a beast. Going through it is hard. But watching your loved ones deal with the loss and disappointment that comes with infertility, is hard too. Trying to support someone going through such a soul-destroying time in their life, is an impossible task.  There are so many...

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How to grieve and be grateful at the same time on your fertility journey. Jun 27, 2022

I don’t think anyone would argue with me when I say that, the emotions we feel as a result of infertility are complicated, right?

Sometimes they are so big that we can’t even comprehend them, or understand them, let alone process them. And trying to explain all of that to other people...

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Do affirmations REALLY work to get you pregnant? Jun 20, 2022

Affirmations can be a source of relief, and can also make you feel foolish at the same time.  It all depends on why you’re using them, and how you’re using them.

I love a good inspirational quote, however an affirmation about me specifically, can sometimes feel like a...

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Lessons learned from a 7-year fertility journey. Jun 13, 2022

It’s been just over 6 years since we stepped off our fertility rollercoaster.  To be honest, it feels like it was yesterday. We were blessed with two beautiful children as a result. But the lessons I learned during that journey, and as I continue to reflect on that time, keep on...

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It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your fertility.

But HOW do you reduce your stress, when infertility is stressing the heck out of you to begin with?

HOW do you slow down, feel at peace, achieve a little more balance in your life and say good bye to the inner struggle?


Download this free PDF for 3 simple hacks you can implement today to tip the scales in your favor.