Fertility Blog

by Jennifer Robertson

How do you release the anger when you're on your fertility journey? Jan 10, 2022

Are you angry?  I mean REALLY angry.  Like there is a fire burning in your belly that is just waiting to be unleashed.  If you said yes, you’re not alone……and you’re in the right place.

I understand anger.  I was intimate with anger for a very long...

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Do you need a fertility coach? Jan 03, 2022

If you play team sports, there’s always a coach, right?  Someone who creates the direction, keeps the players motivated, who develops the plays, and a strategy.  Someone who tells them what to focus on.  Otherwise, they’d all be running around bumping into each other,...

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How do you make the RIGHT decisions on your fertility journey? Dec 20, 2021

How many times have you punished yourself for not making a better choice?  Which then turns into a regret and a source of self-punishment.  

Why didn’t I do IVF sooner?!

I should have changed my diet earlier!

I knew I should have moved doctors.

If we’d just used donor eggs...

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How can you feel PEACE while you’re struggling with infertility? Dec 13, 2021

That moment you realize you can feel the pain, and still be ok, is the moment you will be free.

Let’s get honest about infertility.

I was always afraid to let the pain of infertility and loss get too close.  I know that sounds weird given the fact that I was living inside it for so...

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How can you “just be grateful” when you’re struggling with infertility? Dec 06, 2021

"Just be grateful", they say.

But how can you possibly be grateful for anything, when you’re struggling to conceive?

I’ll be honest - the concept of gratitude pissed me off when I was on my fertility journey.  I had so many people telling me to just be grateful for what I...

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Surviving Infertility at Christmas Nov 29, 2021

Christmas used to be my favorite time of the year.  You walk through shopping malls and Christmas carols are being piped over the loud speaker.  Santa clause is posing with small children who are either idolizing him, or terrified of him.  The sparkling decorations are draped...

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How do you stop blaming yourself for your fertility struggles? Nov 15, 2021

Why, as women, do we take on so much guilt and responsibility for our fertility journey and the fact that we struggle?

Despite my husband having sub-par sperm (our fertility specialist’s words, not mine), I still took all the blame for when we didn’t get many embryos at the end of a...

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Surrogacy: the things you never knew you needed to know Nov 08, 2021

Infertility is complicated, right?  The range of emotions we experience, trying to let go of that picture we had in our head of how having a baby was supposed to look like, the gratitude and the grief all rolled into one.  Whatever path you go down, it’s all hard and comes with...

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Grounding / Earthing to improve your fertility Nov 01, 2021

One of my top tips for anyone who is struggling with infertility and is overwhelmed with the emotions, thoughts and everything that comes with it is to……GET OUT INTO NATURE.

There is so much healing in the natural environment, but I’d like to introduce you to a technique that...

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When the only goal becomes……to have a baby. Oct 25, 2021

One day you wake up, and you don’t recognize the person you have become or the life that you’re leading.  Once a confident, decisive and positive person, you now feel like the whole weight of the world is on your shoulders.  You’re angry all the time and can’t be...

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The shame of IVF and how to accept that you need help to have a baby. Oct 18, 2021

I remember the first time I felt true shame about having to do IVF to have a baby.

We were sitting in the waiting room of our fertility clinic, and I was waiting to be taken in for our first egg retrieval.  I was a bunch of nerves and a little uncomfortable - both physically and...

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Stop saying DON'T GIVE UP! and how do you decide when it's time to stop trying to conceive? Oct 11, 2021

The advice DON’T GIVE UP is thrown out there so often, it’s basically ingrained in us from childhood.  You can achieve anything if you don’t give up.  Keep trying.  Practice makes perfect. And the list goes on. 

So, it’s no surprise that it’s a...

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It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your fertility.

But HOW do you reduce your stress, when infertility is stressing the heck out of you to begin with?

HOW do you slow down, feel at peace, achieve a little more balance in your life and say good bye to the inner struggle?


Download this free PDF for 3 simple hacks you can implement today to tip the scales in your favor.