Fertility Blog

by Jennifer Robertson

Are you stressed about being stressed about your fertility? Jun 06, 2022

About 6 months into our trying to conceive journey, I started experiencing what I can only describe as panic attacks.  It mainly happened when we were driving in the car.  I’d struggle to get my breath and felt like I just couldn’t expand my lungs. I’d be yawning all...

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Fertility specialist appointments – tips to prepare and reduce your anxiety in the lead up. May 31, 2022

It’s just a doctor’s appointment, right?! So why do we feel so anxious in the lead up? Why do we feel nervous in the waiting room? Why is it always so tense, quiet and awkward in there?

Because it’s not just a doctor’s appointment. A fertility specialist appointment is so...

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Surviving a negative pregnancy test May 23, 2022

I feel like I’m a bit of an expert on this subject.  You see, it took me 6 years to finally see those two lines on a pregnancy test.  And as crazy (and unhygienic) as it is, I actually keep that pregnancy test in my desk draw, almost 7 years later.  That means I saw a crap...

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How do you find BALANCE on your Fertility Journey? May 09, 2022

If you’re an all or nothing kind of gal (like me), finding balance at the best of times can be a challenge. I guess you could call me an overachiever. I was taught that if you’re going to do something, you should put in 110% or don’t bother.  I have always strived to be the...

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Tips for surviving Mothers Day when living with Infertility and loss May 02, 2022

It is THE most dreaded day in the whole year for someone who is trying to conceive (ttc), and it’s approaching quickly.  

For so many of us, this day is filled with dread, sadness, and guilt. It is a reminder of what so many have achieved and what we long for most in the world. In...

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Why I got a tattoo to remember my fertility journey Apr 25, 2022

I just got a tattoo!!  It feels surreal even saying that.  Yet here I sit typing, with the protective film still secured to my wrist, that feeling of the tattoo gun vibrating up my arm, and the butterflies still in my stomach.

This is something I have been wanting to do for quite some...

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How do you fit in with your friends while trying to conceive? Apr 11, 2022

People don’t tell you how much infertility affects your friendships and relationships. It’s like an extra element of grief.  It’s yet another thing that infertility steals from you.  And because of that, we tend to hold onto people, regardless of whether they are good...

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How do you create some calm and peace inside the turmoil of infertility? Apr 04, 2022

When your world is spinning out of control its hard to find a state of calm.  Infertility forces us into a constant state of turmoil – month after month, year after year.  After a while, it consumes every part of our lives, and we’re left with pieces of what was once a happy...

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Tips for navigating conflicts in your relationship – how to deal with resentment or rejection. Mar 21, 2022

Relationships are tricky at the best of times, but add infertility into the mix, and it can become a real test of your commitment to each other.

You either feel completely supported, or you feel like you’re alone on this journey.  Of course, there are varying shades of grey, however in...

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Make decisions a little easier, and stop listening to that voice in your head Mar 07, 2022

I had a fight inside my mind this morning.  It was about going for a walk on the beach before work.  My heart knew that I needed this - to soak in a little nature, so I could feel calm and recharged. But my head was saying – this isn’t productive. You have work to do. Stop...

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How do you have BELIEF, when your mind keeps imagining the worst-case scenario? Feb 28, 2022

Do you ever catch yourself creating a scenario in your mind that is similar to that of a horror film?  And then something will happen that jolts you back to your current reality (where you are completely safe), and you’re like…..what on earth was that?!!

It could be watching...

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5 Common Myths about Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss. Feb 21, 2022

1 in 4 pregnancies result in a loss. This statistic is the published version, however it's probably closer to 1 in 3. I’m sorry for the bluntness of that statement, however there is no way to sugar coat the reality. I wasn’t aware of that statistic until I became the 1 in...

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It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your fertility.

But HOW do you reduce your stress, when infertility is stressing the heck out of you to begin with?

HOW do you slow down, feel at peace, achieve a little more balance in your life and say good bye to the inner struggle?


Download this free PDF for 3 simple hacks you can implement today to tip the scales in your favor.